Rove to Brokaw: FNC’s ‘News Side’ Has Been Fair to Pres. Obama

By Chris Ariens 

This morning on “Meet the Press”, Tom Brokaw subbing for David Gregory, asked his guest, former adviser to Pres. Bush, about FNC’s coverage of Pres. Obama.

BROKAW: You’re now at Fox News. Do you think that Fox News is fair to President Obama?

ROVE: I think they– on the news side, absolutely. I think that they’ve got first rate individuals at the White House who– do their job. And in an objective fair, and balanced way, yeah, absolutely.


Rove’s comments come on the heels of Friday’s Op-Ed from former New York Times executive editor Howell Raines who wrote that FNC founder and chairman Roger Ailes is “using the network to conduct a propaganda campaign against the Obama administration.”

Raines’ commentary had Fox News hosts firing back. Bill O’Reilly here and Greta Van Susteren here.
