Remembering Peter: Gibson’s Remarks

By Brian 

At the end of Monday’s World News, Charles Gibson made a few remarks:

“We made mention earlier in the broadcast that this is the one year anniversary of Peter Jennings‘ death. It is not lost on any of us that the news these days is dominated by events in the Middle East — an area that Peter loved and a story that was in his pores, in his DNA. I suspect if Peter could have had a wish granted in world affairs it would have been for peace in that area. As is apparent, not all dreams come true.

Countless times in the past three weeks, a question has come to mind about the Middle East, and I’m brought up short realizing that Peter’s not here anymore to provide an answer or an opinion. It takes a long time for loss to settle in. Suffice it to say, Peter is missed, by many of you, and by all of us.”
