On World Press Freedom Day, the White House Press Corps Has Some Questions For Sarah Sanders

By Chris Ariens 

At the start of her daily press briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Huckbaee Sanders mentioned today being World Press Freedom Day.

“Many journalists around the globe do their jobs at great risk every day. The United States stands in solidarity with these men and women who work for free and open societies,” Sanders said. She then opened up the floor to questions from the White House press corps who unloaded on the president’s spokesman about what she knew about her boss reimbursing $130,000 to his personal attorney for a settlement with a porn star. That revelation came last night on Fox News when Sean Hannity interviewed the president’s new attorney Rudy Giuliani.

Here’s ABC’s Jon Karl asking about trustworthiness.


And here’s CNN’s Jim Acosta asking about what Sanders was aware of, and when and whether she lied about it, or was just in the dark:

And here’s a bit of the exchange between April Ryan and Press Secretary Sanders about Rudy Giuliani’s admission on Fox News last night that opened up this new can of worms:

Just another World Press Freedom Day. That’s all.
