NBC???: Guest Bookings & Graphics Operations Will Be Merged

By Brian 

MSNBC.com’s Alex Johnson reports:

“The move means that some operations, duplicated at 30 Rock, Secaucus and Englewood Cliffs, will merge, notably guest booking and graphics.

NBC, MSNBC and CNBC producers and bookers often compete for the same sources and guests, but ‘I envision a day now where people who have been involved in production of the ‘Today’ show will also be involved in the production of MSNBC, and vice versa,’ [Steve] Capus said.

Similarly, some correspondents now report only to individual shows, rather than share their reporting across the network — ‘the sort of thing that gives executives gray hairs,’ Capus said.

‘It makes no sense in the year 2006 to have individual businesses doing the same exact work, and in some cases even competing against each other in those areas,’ he said.”
