Middle East Crisis: 360’s Intros “Sound Like A Jerry Bruckheimer Movie”

By Brian 

Love or hate Laura Ingraham, she made an interesting point on her radio show this afternoon. While playing clips of Anderson Cooper 360, she remarked: “This sounds like a Jerry Bruckheimer movie!”

“No letup on either side, hospitals filling up — hospitals and morgues,” the announcer intoned on Monday night. And: “A frightened wave of humanity with one destination tonight: anywhere but Lebanon.” Then last night: “Weeks, not days — Israel signals a longer war. Hezbollah says, bring it on.”

The transcripts really don’t do it justice. The intros feature booming music and violent video. “They might as well add sound effects,” Ingraham said. One of her producers added: “I want to see this movie!” Ingraham said viewers would rather go to the movies than watch CNN…
