Michele Bachmann vs. Chris Wallace: It’s Still On

By Chris Ariens 

By now, this kind of story would have run its course. But, alas, it hasn’t.

About 24 hours ago, on FOX News Sunday, Chris Wallace asked presidential candidate Michele Bachman: “Are you a flake?” Later yesterday, in his weekly “Wallace Watch,” Wallace apologized: “I messed up. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any disrespect.”


Now we learn Michele Bachmann isn’t accepting that apology.

ABC’s Jon Karl interviewed Bachmann this morning before she announced her candidacy for president in her hometown of Waterloo, Iowa. Politico reports that when Karl asked Bachmann if she accepts the apology, she responded, “I think that it’s insulting to insinuate that a candidate for president is less than serious.”

  • The ALL-NEW Gretawire has a poll on the issue…
