Megyn Kelly, Katie Couric on List of ‘TV’s Wonder Women’

By Merrill Knox 

Elle magazine features an article this month called “TV’s Wonder Women,” and representing the news industry are two high-profile anchors — Fox News’ Megyn Kelly and ABC’s Katie Couric. The accompanying profiles focus on their interviewing skills — Kelly divulges what it takes to be banned as a guest on “America Live”…

There have been a couple of people I’ve said I never want back on the program. They shall go nameless. There was one guest who, just as we turned off his microphone, dropped the F-bomb. He was, you know, frothing at the mouth. Angry! We were going to break, so I said goodbye. Then he started going into a long tirade of swears. Thankfully, we’d already turned off his microphone. He was somebody I put a ban on. My point is: It takes a lot.

… and Couric reveals why listening is a key skill to interviewing a sitting President:


You can hypothesize about how someone’s going to answer a question, but sometimes you’re not right, and you have to have the ability to think on your feet or respond to an answer that’s completely unexpected. You’ve got to have laser-like focus. It’s quite nerve-wracking. I still get the butterflies before I do it.
