McFadden on Today’s “Menu”: Blago Was “A Real Showman”

By SteveK 

One of the half-dozen or so interviews with Gov. Rod Blagojevich went to ABC News’ Cynthia McFadden yesterday. This morning, the Nightline anchor joined us on the Morning Media Menu podcast to discuss the interview.

“What was odd was the tougher I got, the more he seemed determined to stay and talk to me,” she said. “He’s a real showman.”

She gave a behind-the-scenes look at what happened during and after the interview, including Blago’s lawyer standing up at one point “as if he was trying to stop things.” Also: “Apparently when he left the room he said to one of the ABC folks, ‘I knew she was a lawyer.'”


As for the famous hair, McFadden said the first question she asked was whether he actually had a personal assistant who carries his all-important brush. Continuing his recent theme, he denied it. “I have more on his hair but I’m going to save that for my book,” she said (although she promised a “Menu” exclusive when she’s ready to talk).

Also discussed: her reason for actually reading the curse words from the wiretap transcripts, how she prepared for the interview Sunday night and her take on TVNewser’s interview yesterday with Bernie Goldberg, who says the mainstream media has “jumped the shark.”

You can listen to the podcast live every morning at 9amET on and call in at 646-929-0321. You can also subscribe to the iTunes feed of the podcast by clicking the “iTunes” button. Joining us tomorrow is Fox Business Network anchor Liz Claman.

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