Johnny Weir as Lady Gaga?

By Noah Davis 

Over at ThePostGame, Martin Rogers profiles Johnny Weir. The outlandish figure skater sounds a lot like another pop culture icon who just wants to help people fit in.

“I am here for all the freaks and weirdos and people who are misunderstood,” says Weir, with a mischievous smile and a flick of his hair. “All the people who are told they are strange or different. All the people who get picked on and told they are wrong because they do things a different way. If just one person, one child who is made to feel isolated, looks at me and sees that it is okay to be your own person and walk down your own path, then everything I have ever gone through will be worth it. I’m different and I have to be a warrior to be that way. But I have had some success, I hope I have touched the lives of some wonderful people, all by being what I see as myself, but some others people see as different.”

Read up, “monsters.”

