Jake Tapper Broke the News to Dave Matthews That DMB Has Been Nominated for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame

By A.J. Katz 

What do Dave Matthews, Jimmy Kimmel and Jake Tapper have in common? More than you might think.

Dave Matthews Band was recently nominated for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame, and CNN ended up breaking the good news to the iconic frontman following a congratulations text from Tapper, a frequent late-night guest.

MATTHEWS: Your buddy texted me and told me.


KIMMEL: Which buddy?

MATTHEWS: Jake Tapper.

KIMMEL: Jake Tapper?

MATTHEWS: Yeah, he texted me.

KIMMEL: He’s the one who told you it happened?

MATTHEWS: Yeah, I thought it was pretty cool the newsman gave me the news. 

The topic comes up at around 2:15 in.


Jennifer Aniston appeared earlier in the broadcast and talked with Kimmel about her new Apple TV+ show, The Morning Show. In the clip, she mentions shadowing Good Morning America as a way of preparing for her role of morning show host, and how big of a Diane Sawyer fan she is.

The discussion begins at 3:25 in.

