In His First Meet the Press Appearance, Chuck Todd Explains What a Blog Is

By Chris Ariens 

In 1994, Bryant Gumbel asked on the Today show, “What is internet, anyway?” That exchange with Katie Couric would be used in a 2015 Super Bowl commercial for BMW.

Ten years after that bewildering Today show moment, the late Tim Russert, on Meet the Press asked “What is a blog?” The person who fielded that question, is now moderator of Meet the Press.

It was Chuck Todd‘s first appearance on Meet the Press, on Jan. 11, 2004. He was working for National Journal’s The Hotline and was explaining how weblogs (or blogs) were being used in the 2004 campaigns for president. (At the time, the blog you’re reading was less than two weeks old.)


It’s a “cyber bulletin board,” said Russert. “And then it allows a section to comment about what’s going on during the day,” added Todd. Indeed it does.
