Geraldo’s Obama Endorsement?

By SteveK 

Geoffrey Dickens writes on Newsbusters about FNC anchor Geraldo Rivera‘s comment from last Saturday’s Geraldo At Large that he would, “be proud to vote,” for Sen. Barack Obama.

Rivera was discussing the “vote” in terms of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright controversy, and although Rivera calls Obama a, “wonderful candidate,” he goes on to express doubts about his chances in the general election. “To win the general election now, in the face of this, where race is so much at play, I think he’s in a very, very tough spot,” he said.

Is it an endorsement for Obama by the FNC anchor or just some praise? Click continued to see the full quote and decide for yourself…


> Update: Johnny Dollar has Rivera’s similar statement about Sen. John McCain last month on Brian & the Judge.

Related: A spokesperson for Gov. Ed Rendell (Hillary Clinton supporter) yesterday said MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann has no, “fundamental commitment to either accuracy or rational thought.” Olbermann called Rendell an “idiot” after Rendell said Fox News had the “fairest” coverage during the 2008 presidential race.

Here’s what I think is, is the problem. I don’t think that, that this is past Senator Barack Obama. Although he is a, you know, he’s a very, he’s everything that he is. He is a wonderful candidate and I’d be proud to vote for him in every regard, just about. I think he’s, he’s a terrific guy.

But I have no doubt, in my mind, having lived through the David Dinkins, Rudy Giuliani bare-knuckled campaign for the mayor of New York, that certain people and there’s a big “silent majority,” they used to call them during Reagan’s era, out there are going to remember this, I’m talking about white people basically, they are gonna go into the secrecy of that polling place. They’re gonna remember Reverend Wright, they are going to be affected in a negative way. And I think that it will make Barack Obama’s success in the campaign for the White House extremely difficult.

I think that he is the odd’s on favorite to get the nomination. But to win the general election now, in the face of this, where race is so much at play, I think he’s in a very, very tough spot.
