From Fox News Table to Veep Slot?

By SteveK 

Businessweek’s Ron Grover writes about the political star power seated at Fox News Channel tables during Wednesday’s RTCA dinner, and the common thread among many of them — potential GOP VP candidates.

Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Sen. Joe Lieberman and Gov. Mark Sanford broke bread with FNC on Wednesday night. “Better advice might have been an admonition to get on the good side of the Fox News Channel. That seemed to be the order of the day for an impressively large number of Vice-Presidential wannabes at this year’s dinner,” wrote Grover.

Judging from the responses, Lieberman is a ‘no’ and the other three aren’t giving away too much information. Grover writes: “It’s not a smoke-filled room, but in an election year when political candidates have risen and fallen with a well-chosen commentary, who can say whether a cable channel’s dinner table might not start a mini-movement for any one of the many politicos with a nice suit and some time on his hands.”


Related: FBN’s Alexis Glick reflects on the dinner, and the rumblings from “inside sources” that former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge has a Veepstakes shot.
