Ford: Blogging His Memories

By Brian 

Brian Williams got to know Gerald Ford “late in life.”

After commenting on Ford’s death on MSNBC last night, “I thought about the last time I saw him, I thought about the afternoon a few years ago when he called me at home to thank me for a note I’d sent him. I thought about how he told our travelling crew during an interview in Palm Springs that he and Mrs. Ford were loyal Nightly News viewers, who ‘often watched on TV tables sitting there in front of the tube.’ I thought about a wonderful evening we had spent together at the Truman Presidential library, and how I’d discovered a picture of the two of us in a recently-published book.” Here’s the rest of his blog entry.

Tonight’s NBC Nightly News should be a “special broadcast,” he writes in a second blog entry. The majority of it will be devoted to Ford and his memory. Tom Brokaw, Andrea Mitchell and David Hume Kennerly will contribute…
