Fine on CNN: “It’s Time To Embrace A New Prime-Time Ethos”

By SteveK 

Jon Fine writes an open letter to “CNN management” in his latest Businessweek column. “Bravo for ’08,” he begins, but “in prime time it’s not enough to lean on CNN’s advantages.” Fine has a plan for a new prime time focused on debate:

It’s time to embrace a new prime-time ethos for CNN, which encompasses the bona fides of the brand CNN and the fact that, like it or not, on-screen combat is good TV. No, CNN should not suddenly solely air food fights, though a little food fight never hurt anyone. No, CNN should not dive madly toward some new and overt point of view…Remake Crossfire. Make prime-time CNN the place for vigorous debate. (You can add the word “respectful” to the description if you feel the need.) The venue for intellectual combat. Two, or more, viewpoints enter an arena; one comes out the victor.
