Daily Kos’ Newest Blogger: Keith Olbermann

By SteveK 

The blogosphere got a new member yesterday, as MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann posted a blog entry on one of the top left-leaning political web sites, Daily Kos. Olbermann’s entry, entitled, “I Hate To Interrupt, But…,” served mostly as a defense to those on the left who feel he is biased towards certain candidates.

“But, having now read a (mercifully few) claims here that I’m a) attacking Clinton, b) burying Edwards, and c) clobbering Obama, I feel the need to mention that I truly don’t have a preference. I am tilting in no direction, sending out no subliminal message, and thwarting no truth,” he writes.

While he may claim not to be tilting in a Democratic-candidate direction, to post on a site which describes itself as, “a Democratic blog, a partisan blog,” and still hosting non-partisan primary coverage, may raise eyebrows. An MSNBC spokesperson tells TVNewser Olbermann okay’ed the blog entry with MSNBC executives before it ran.


He ends the post by equating those, both on the Daily Kos and other similar web pages, who claim to see bias in his reporting with (gasp!)…”To see in each of my reports an enemy or a spokesman sounds microscopically like — and I swallow hard and prepare for the prospect of some Kossacks to approach what passes for my castle with torches and pitchforks as I write this — Bill O’Reilly,” he writes.

The post was certainly popular on the site, with almost 1,600 comments before the moderators disabled commenting because of the volume.
