CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Is the Journalist Most World Leaders Follow on Twitter

By Mark Joyella 

Amanpour If you ask the world’s leaders which journalists they follow on Twitter, the name you’ll hear more than any other is CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.

The PR firm Burson-Marsteller analyzed the most followed Twitter accounts by 647 heads of state and government and ministers of foreign affairs and their institutions. Amanpour was first, followed by 69. Amanpour reacted with surprise on Twitter, saying “Really? Cool!”

Amanpour’s CNN colleague Fareed Zakaria was second in the world leaders survey, with 43. Anderson Cooper had 24, Wolf Blitzer had 22, and ABC’s George Stephanopoulos was followed by 20.


When it comes to most-followed news organizations, The New York Times (@NYTimes) took top honors, which is followed by 22 percent of world leaders, followed by @Reuters, @CNNbrk, @theeconomist and @BBCworld.
