CNBC Needs “Vibrancy”

By Brian 

An e-mailer replies to this post about the “Squawk Box-ification of CNBC:”

“I’m in my late 20s, and I watch CNBC a lot – to follow my stocks and the market.

The problem with CNBC is that the format is too meandering, and the network’s shows have no vibrancy. CNBC doesn’t understand the basic tenents of televsion (of any kind): there’s got to be predictability, human attachment, and passion.

Fox, on the other hand, gets it. Their Saturday business block features hugely appealing characters (and stock pickers) like Wayne Rogers and Jonathan Hoenig. Though I completely disagree with Fox’s house politics, I have to say that the shows are undoubtedly amusing, fast-paced, and predictable. CNBC doesn’t just need to reshuffle the boxes. It needs to go back to the fundamentals of good TV – maybe even provide a counterpoint to Fox, which has brought Keith Olbermann some success recently.”
