Chris Matthews Thinks Megyn Kelly is ‘Great,’ Colbert Calls Her a ‘Left Wing Loon’

By Merrill Knox 

Reaction continues to Megyn Kelly’s interview with Dick Cheney: pundits, comedians and even hosts at rival networks are weighing in on Kelly’s confrontation of the former VP.

“I think Megyn Kelly is great,” Chris Matthews said on “Morning Joe” Thursday (watch after the jump). “I think when she stood up to him, and stood up to Karl Rove on election night, she keeps earning her spurs as a journalist. He thought he was walking into a big kiss.” Matthews also praised the interview on “Hardball” last night, saying Kelly gave Cheney “a wind-up that should have flattened him right from the start.”

The interview also got some play — albeit with a little more snark — on Comedy Central last night:

