Broadcasters, Cable Networks Cover President Obama’s Post-Shooting Proposal

By Alex Weprin 

As we noted earlier, the broadcast networks broke into regular programming to cover President Obama’s comments on the tragic shooting in Newtown, and what his administration plans to do going forward. As predicted, the Vice President, along with cabinet officials and outside agencies, will present proposals “no later than January. The President suggested that access to mental health care, a “culture that glorifies guns” and access to certain types of weapons may be places to start.

“If there is even one thing we can do to prevent any of these events, we have a deep obligation–all of us–to try,” Obama said.

Obama would take a handful of questions, the first was from the AP’s Ben Feller who asked about the Fiscal Cliff negotiations.


Question two came from Carol Lee at the Wall Street Journal,  who also asked about the fiscal cliff.

Question three was also about the fiscal cliff, and came from Politico’s Carrie Budoff Brown.

David Jackson at USA Today gets question four and asked about the difficulty in legislating on guns.

ABC’s Jake Tapper gets the last question, and the first question from a TV network. He also asks about legislating gun violence. “Where have you been the last four years?” Tapper asks.

“I don’t think I’ve been on vacation,” the President responded, citing the economy, auto industry and international crises.

Video of Tapper’s question via NowThis News:
