Brian Williams Went Over His High School Graduation Speech With…

By Jordan Chariton 

WilliamsYou wouldn’t think Brian Williams and Edward Snowden had much time for small talk before taping their exclusive interview in Moscow earlier this week, but apparently Snowden was curious about a green folder in Williams’ hotel room.

“I said I should probably explain what Hillwood High School is,” Williams said during his commencement speech yesterday at the Nashville school, recounting how he explained the folder holding his speech to Snowden.

“To rewind a bit, I am explaining Hillwood High School to Edward Snowden, in a hotel room in Moscow, 32 hours ago,” Williams continued, drawing laughs from the crowd.


Williams told students he explained  everything about the commencement speech, including the video sent by students to lure him to speak, to Snowden before their interview. Williams urged them to watch the interview because Snowden “will play a role in all of your lives, and your country, because of what he’s exposed.”

From Monday to Thursday, Williams flew 11,000 miles from New York, to Moscow, and finally, to Nashville. His interview with Snowden will air Wednesday night as an hour-long NBC News primetime special.


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