Bill O’Reilly Delivers Warning To Bob Wright

By Brian 

Bill O’Reilly — excuses me, “Talking Points” — is “troubled by the behavior of NBC, which cheap shots FOX News on a regular basis and has been doing so for some time,” the FNC host said on Monday night.

(By NBC, he apparently means Dateline’s Josh and MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann.)

“It is only a few people doing this, but NBC President Robert Wright allows it to happen. Wright knows exactly what’s going on, because he’s been made aware of it.” (He’s been “made aware” of it?)

O’Reilly continued: “Now we understand that NBC has major problems. Its prime time programming is dead last. Its cable operations are ratings failures. And the network may lose Katie Couric to CBS, but that is no excuse for unprofessional behavior.

Consistently cheap shotting a competitor is beneath the fine standards that NBC has set in the past. Robert Wright would be wise to understand that.

There is no question the amazing success of FOX News has affected all TV news operations, but CNN, for example, usually competes with class, not bitterness. Likewise, we respect ABC and CBS for their work ethic and competitive zeal.

But there’s something very wrong at NBC. And if it continues, ‘Talking Points’ will go into greater detail about the problems besetting that network. We hope Robert Wright will right the situation and believe he has the power to do it.

But perhaps we’re wrong about Wright. Maybe he’s out of the loop or maybe he just doesn’t care. Well, he should care. We’ll let you know what happens.”
