Al Jazeera Intl: “At The Speed Of Thought”

By Brian 

In a column called “Why I Joined Al-Jazeera” in today’s New York Daily News, anchor Dave Marash explains how the new cable net will be different:

“Al Jazeera International will do fewer stories each half hour than our cable news competitors, and our selection is likely to be different. Hopefully, this will allow us to probe a little bit deeper into stories that matter, to add some real value to your information bank.

Think of news on Al Jazeera International as a daily kaleidoscope that will show you, better, we hope, than you’ve ever seen, not just ‘what’s there’ around the world, but some of the several ways of looking at ‘what’s there.’

And, for me, here’s the clincher: We’re going to spin that kaleidoscope, and cover our new stories, at the speed of thought.” (Via Public Eye)
