AJI Launch: No Deal With Comcast

By Brian 

“Al-Jazeera Intl. has all but conceded defeat in its effort to gain U.S. distribution in time for its worldwide launch Wednesday,” Variety reports.

AJI execs “said Comcast Communications pulled the plug on talks Monday on a deal the net considered essential to gaining a beachhead in the U.S.”

“We feel like we’ve been led down the garden path. It’s a setback for us in the States, but I don’t want this to overshadow the fact we’ve had phenomenal figures in the rest of the world,” said one AJI employee who insisted on anonymity. The headline is “Yanked by yanks…”

> Also: Here is a list of the network’s global platform. In the United States, “Globecast, Fision, Jump TV, [and] VDC” are listed…
