Abernethy: “We Think The Future Of Local News Is In News & Information”

By Brian 

Via MediaWEEK, more hints of what’s to come now that Roger Ailes is in charge of Fox’s local TV stations: “Fox stations plan to leverage the resources and strength of Fox News as the centerpiece of a local programming strategy. Stations will also borrow the Fox News style and tap into the news brand to shore up the local stations’ identity in their markets.”

Jack Abernethy says: “We think the future of local stations is in news and information. We want to program the stations more like channels, which means having blocks of [compatible] programming that can supplement local news.”

> Abernethy says talk of a national evening newscast is “premature,” and noted that the Big Three network newscasts are losing viewers. “Fox stations have made more money doing news locally.”

> Early-afternoon news may be the next target: “We’d like to shore up the daypart, where we haven’t offered local news at all.”
