9/11/06: Real-Time Rebroadcasts

By Brian 

All the cable news nets are providing viewers with access to as-it-happened coverage of 9/11/01. MSNBC started rebroadcasting The Today Show’s coverage in real-time at 8:53am. Chris Matthews called it an “MSNBC living history event.”

CNN.com and FOXNews.com are providing streaming video of the original broadcasts. (Aaron Brown anchored on CNN. David Asman and Eric Shawn anchored on FNC.)

> Update: 10:42am: “MSNBC.com also has the original NBC news coverage from 9/11/01 available as a free live stream on its home page,” an e-mailer notes.

> Update: 10:47am: “Similtaneously watching Aaron Brown (Pipeline) & Katie Coric (MSNBC)’s 2001 coverage: makes one wonder if Brown woldn’t have been a better choice for CBS anchor. Katie’s prattle was innane. When the 2nd tower collapsed: Katie chattered ridiculously; a choked-up Brown said simply, ‘There are no words.'”
