8 Hours To Katie… Her First Blog

By Brian 

Here is Katie Couric‘s first blog entry. “In the little village that is CBS News, you might consider ‘Couric & Co’ the coffee house on the corner, where something is always brewing,” she says in the intro. (“Oh, Christ,” an e-mailer responds.) Update: 12:20pm: “In Couric’s case, just as she refuses to be described as ‘perky,’ will the coffee in her corner coffee shop be anything but percolating?,” an e-mailer asks.

> Update: 10:55am: An e-mailer suggests posting Katie’s first blog entry side-by-side with Brian Williams‘. So here’s an excerpt of each:


Like Henry Blogg, this blog is shoving off from the harbor, and heading out to a mysterious and uncharted sea. The harbor was great. But, let’s face it: we’re supposed to be exploring the wider world. This is what we were built for. And that’s what we’ll be doing at “Couric & Co.”

So grab an oar. Take a deep breath. And let’s get going.

Hopefully, we won’t all end up like Gilligan…

Welcome to this inaugural edition of what we’re calling The Daily Nightly. We hope this will be a useful supplement to viewers of Nightly News, as both a narrative and as a window into our editorial process. We had hoped to file this inaugural issue earlier in the day, but we work in a busy place where decisions need to be made constantly… and then changed. Just as we hope Nightly News is a part of your evening viewing, we hope you’ll stop here first each day to find out how the broadcast is taking shape.

The e-mailer adds: “I check Daily Nightly every day because I like to know what they’re working on, but if this is how Katie’s blog is going to read, I can’t see that it will have much news value.”
