20,585 Mentions Of Cindy Sheehan

By Brian 

CNN’s Anderson Cooper anchored 360 from Camp Casey in Crawford, Texas this evening. “The war here at home is a war, really, of words, of heart-felt emotions, of anger, and of loss,” he said. But Cindy Sheehan is not alone: “There are reporters, TV trucks, political operatives, and public relations specialists. It is a media circus, some have called it.”

(I wish media organizations would stop talking about the hype about the media and MoveOn.org. Let’s remember why she is there in the first place!)

Cooper noted: “In these 11 days, Cindy Sheehan has gone from protester to public figure. According to Video Monitoring Service, her name has been mentioned 20,585 times in television news broadcasts.”

360 promised a “full and fair report.” So how’d he do? Here’s the transcript…
