The New Standard in Reaching U.S. Hispanics

At NBCUniversal, we acknowledge that everyone is facing tough challenges.

We’re seeing new competitors and our audiences shifting the ways they consume media.

Our marketing partners are too facing tough challenges: new entrants to their industries, shifts in consumer habits and an overall decline in the way people buy products.

There is one thing that we can all agree to be optimistic about however, the undeniable power of the Hispanic consumer.

A consumer group that has $1.7 trillion in spending power, a group that accounts for almost half of the U.S. population growth, a group that nearly half of consumers are under the age of 29.

A great business example, Hispanics represent 25 percent of all frequent moviegoers in the United States. Studios simply cannot launch a movie and be profitable without getting this influential consumer group to their film.

And as we enter 2019 and look towards the Upfronts, we are setting a new standard in the way that we are talking to our clients about how they can engage this important consumer and positively impact their bottom line.

To start, we’re incredibly fortunate.

We at NBCUniversal, with Telemundo at our core, are the only media company that reaches 99 percent of all U.S. Hispanics with our premium video content each month.

On top of that, our digital properties reach 30 million U.S. Hispanics each month, only behind Facebook and Google in rank.

So as we hear from marketers that they want to have fewer, bigger, better partnerships with media companies, we are certain we are uniquely positioned to help them with their business.

So what needs to change?

We all need to have a new dialogue about the way we engage Hispanics with our marketing.

We’ve heard the term “total market’ thrown around frequently as the best way to efficiently reach Hispanics without having to invest in Spanish-language media.

We’re not here to tell you that using that method is completely ineffective, but what we are here to tell you is that it cannot be the only method.

Viewers of Telemundo are 44 percent more engaged with programming and advertising on the network than they are with English language television.

And 77 percent of Hispanics wish that brands would develop stronger relationships with them, versus 43 percent of non-Hispanics.

Advertisers messaging simply will not work to maximum impact with the important Hispanic consumer group if it’s not done in culture.

We understand however, that not all marketers have the ability to focus solely on culturally relevant advertising, and for that reason we at NBCUniversal are committed to using our entire portfolio on behalf of advertisers.

Whether we use targeting to best develop your media plan in reaching Hispanic consumers, or we create a marketing program that transcends multiple networks rooted in passion points relevant to Hispanics like fashion, food or music.

And for our advertisers who have only taken the total market approach all these years, we’re here for you too.

Our client advocacy teams are here to help you create a path to Hispanic consumers, whether through creative capabilities, insights or navigating everything NBCUniversal has at its disposal to ensure that we help you reach your brand goals.

Because at the end of the day, at NBCUniversal, we’re setting a new standard for ourselves to help our marketing partners do that for their business.

In this challenged business environment that is what is required as we work to push the needle forward for all of our companies.