If You Don’t Understand Digital Culture, You Don’t Understand Today’s Youth

Start thinking about them as Generation Digital


If you want to know what’s driving Millennials and Gen Z, just look at how they’re engaging with digital technology. It has become the cultural currency of today’s youth market.

“Youth culture is digital culture,” Lydia Daly, Viacom Velocity’s SVP of social media & branded content, explains in the above video. “You can’t talk about Millennials or Gen Z without talking about them in lock step with social media and digital culture.”

For brands, that means paying attention to how digital culture changes the ways people communicate, and then shifting your own outreach to be authentic with the digital generation. Things as simple as a well-placed emoji can go a long way.

“Digital culture is the intersection of humans and technology,” notes Kodi Foster, SVP of data strategy at Viacom, adding it’s not a synthesized or virtual version of reality, but “it’s going to be what’s driving reality and culture.”