6 Reasons Why Focusing on the Person–Not Just the Device–Wins

And why it’s an opportunity to build brand love

It’s time to go beyond device and screen to return the focus to what marketing is truly about: people.

The promise of digital has always been to create a personalized one-to-one connection, yet all too often digital campaigns are based more on reaching the devices people use rather than people themselves. This approach offers only a narrow view of the consumer and misses the opportunity to create a truly relevant ad experience. At a time when consumers are expert multitaskers—splitting their attention seamlessly between platforms, devices and screens—brands are struggling to find a unified way to plan, measure and deliver a message that resonates.

The solution? Become device-agnostic and focus on reaching people wherever they are. The rise of people-based marketing may be the biggest opportunity for digital advertisers today—and perhaps even more importantly, it is better for consumers. Brands now can link identity data to have an omnichannel view of the people they want to reach, in a way that is safe and respectful of privacy. This shift is the key to delivering personalized, consumer-centric marketing campaigns that truly connect with people.

Here are six reasons why today’s digital advertisers need to focus on people to build brand love and drive results:

1. People crave culture

It’s not simply that today’s consumers are more connected than ever. It’s more important to understand why they’re so connected. It comes down to culture—a desire to keep in touch with friends and family, to know information instantly and to be informed of what’s going on around them. Because people are now using multiple devices to immerse themselves in that culture, brands can no longer work in silos with campaigns that are, say, mobile-only or video-only. It’s important for brands to understand how a person transitions from device to device, and then design multiscreen campaigns to reach them.

2. People care about convenience, not device

To be connected and get information, people will use whichever device satisfies their need. They might check their feeds from their mobile device when they wake up, ask their virtual assistant for a weather report and order more groceries from their laptop. Marketers today are flooded by a myriad of signals from different devices—cookies, IP addresses and mobile device IDs to name a few. Most importantly, it’s about putting the consumer first and leveraging data to make the experiences better for the user. Brands also need to work closely with their partners to understand how they can use first-party data to improve cross-device accuracy and matching.

3. People want experiences

A person’s experiences take place across multiple channels—they’re shopping online and in-store; they’re getting together with friends in person, on the phone and on social; they’re getting offers from TV ads, push notifications and email. People-based marketing requires brands to have a mobile mindset and market to people in context wherever they are. Ask providers about what location signals they use to connect ads across devices and locations.

People-based marketing requires brands to have a mobile mindset.

4. People know themselves

Traditional measurement platforms often rely on panels, not individual people. The good news is that a growing number of sources can provide detailed data. Ask people-based marketing vendors how they validate people in their system. Is it a small sample? Is it a large census population?

5. People live outside walled gardens

Whether they’re shopping in store or watching TV, people spend a large portion of their time not only away from digital but also away from the so-called “walled gardens.” That’s why brands are under greater pressure to explore options beyond walled gardens by using other kinds of data matching. Work with your providers to understand their data sources and how they can help you deliver personalized omnichannel marketing outside of walled gardens.

6. People know privacy is paramount

Consumers want brands to communicate with them, but it should be on their terms. Respecting consumer privacy has never been more important. In fact, a relevant offer that comes just as they’re ready to make a purchase is a welcome update, not a distraction. Make sure you understand how your marketing provider will help you build and maintain a strong relationship with consumers.

People-based marketing is finally becoming a reality, delivering what digital was always meant to do—which is a personalized connection to the people brands want to reach, wherever they are. And that’s just one critical way to build brand love.