The 3-Minute Guide to Video Engagement

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Integrating video into email, social and other digital channels can pay off big for marketers. Not only are more people engaging with video, but video interactions are helping drive increased revenue. Case in point: Email campaigns with video content can drive up to a 200-percent higher CTR than similar campaigns without video.

Our new ebook, “The 3-Minute Guide to Video Engagement,” provides a step-by-step system to getting the most out of your video campaigns—in less time than it takes to watch the latest viral video.

Check out the full text of our ebook, “The 3-Minute Guide to Video Engagement”

If you want to build a video-marketing program that drives awareness, engagement and revenue, you’ll need a well-thought-out plan that integrates with your company’s interests and business goals. The 9 tips in our guide will get you on the right path, whether you’re about to shoot your first video with your smartphone or have a library of videos on YouTube already. Get the free ebook below: