How Bots and Fake Users Are Poisoning Your Marketing Campaigns

How Bots and Fake Users Are Poisoning Your Marketing Campaigns

Skewed data costs businesses nearly $700 billion annually

A whopping 40% of global web traffic is invalid—fake user accounts and bots, or inaccurate data due to cyberattacks of one kind or another. The skewed data it creates costs businesses an estimated $697 billion annually. For marketers and advertisers, erroneous information can blur insight and hurt bottom line results.

New research from go-to-market security provider Cheq, “The Impact of Invalid Traffic on Marketing,” zeroes in on where invalid traffic comes from, how it affects industries and which devices and data are most affected by it.

The survey illuminates the roadblocks facing brands, marketers and the world at large, including:

  • Mobile mayhem: 32% of organic and direct traffic from mobile devices is invalid.
  • Affected industries: The education and retail verticals are most adversely affected by invalid traffic.
  • Staying hidden: Malicious data centers, where bad actors go to mask their efforts, accounted for 33% of the invalid traffic in paid channels.

Protect yourself and your clients by becoming an expert on the growing threat. Download the report today.