White Paper: TV Chatter and Brand Affinity

By Karen Fratti 

Today, Seevibes released a white paper on how users who tweet about television, Seevibes calls them TV Chatters, have stronger brand affinities. The research also has some good pointers about how brands can better reach TV tweeters.

You can download the full pdf here. In the meantime, here are some key points:

  • TV Chatters show almost three times more interest in brands on Twitter
  • On average, TV Chatters show an interest in 5 brands where as those who do not talk about television only about 2 brands.
  • TV Chatters talk more about brands on Twitter
  • People who have affinity with both television AND brands on Twitter are more engaged and more active
  • TV Chatters represent the majority of the audience and brand interactions.
  • 83% of interactions about brands come from TV Chatters
  • 79% of people who have affinity with a brand are TV Chatters
  • Communicate with an engaged public who has affinity to optimize your campaignsseevibes


