Trump’s Hillary Promise Is Top TiVo Moment

By Steve Safran 

TiVo users must have been surprised when they heard Donald Trump say he would support a Hillary Clinton presidency. His promise was the top “TiVo Moment” of the debate. TiVo categorizes a “Moment” as any time a user interacts with the show—pause, rewind, etc. So it seems people either wanted to make sure they heard it right, or had to take a beat when Donald Trump said “If she wins, I will absolutely support her.”

Here are the charts of the top moments overall and by network, courtesy of TiVo. Methodology wording is also TiVo’s.



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Methodology: TiVo’s Presidential Debate analysis was prepared using aggregated, anonymous, second-by-second audience measurement data from approximately 30,000 anonymous households out of a daily sample of 350,000 subscribers to the Emmy®-award winning TiVo® service. TiVo gauges the interest in programming content by measuring the percentage of the TiVo audience watching in “play” speed. The most engaging moments are determined by looking for program content with the biggest bump in viewership relative to the surrounding 15 minutes of programming, offering a true reflection of change in viewership.
