Revenge? Chicago mayor to post FOIA requests online

By Steve Safran 

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley is going to have all FOIA requests posted on a city website. Daley has had a contentious relationship with the media (like his father before him) and you have to wonder if this is his way of taking a little dig at the media. Writes the Chicago Tribune “[the postings are] a new wrinkle that could give pause to reporters who don’t like competitors seeing what they’re working on.” But is Daley really getting back at the media? His administration has a history of denying FOIA requests, and you can see where he thinks he’s getting back at the media. Yes, it’s true that some reporters of the “we need the scoop” mindset may be a little irritated by this. We have another take: the list will show which journalists are doing their jobs. It may also show the kinds of requests journalists are submitting that the city is refusing – and that’s a good thing, because it demonstrates stories the local media is looking into. We have to get past the “scoop mentality” and realize that this kind of openness is good. After all, if you’re a good reporter, your piece will be stronger and better-written than the competition. Revenge? Don’t think so.
