‘The Snowden Files’ Author: ‘The Paragraph I Had Just Written Began to Self-Delete.’

By Dianna Dilworth 

snowdenLuke Harding, author of the book The Snowden Files, has a very strange experience while writing the book.

Despite taking very strong precautions to protect his privacy including not doing interviews on mobile phones and only working on his computer when he was offline, outsiders were able to access his computer while he was writing.

He explained his creepy experience in a column penned for The Guardian. He writes:

Snowden’s revelations had damaged US tech companies and their bottom line. Something odd happened. The paragraph I had just written began to self-delete. The cursor moved rapidly from the left, gobbling text. I watched my words vanish. When I tried to close my OpenOffice file the keyboard began flashing and bleeping.

Harding had this experience on numerous occasions, and while there was no specific pattern, he revealed that these instances seemed to occur when he was writing something critical of the NSA.