Self-Published Author Shares Marketing Tips

By Dianna Dilworth 

johnmiltonBritish author Mark Dawson reportedly earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a year selling his self-published books.

The author of The John Milton series has revealed some of his marketing secrets in an interview with Forbes. For instance, he spends hours each day building relationships with readers online. He also spends $370 a day on Facebook advertising. Here is more from the Forbes interview:

The really cool thing about Facebook advertising is the targeting you can do. If you’re writing a romance book and you’re frequently compared to Nora Roberts – who’s a big romance writer – you can target your ads so they land in the news feeds of someone who like Roberts’ Facebook page. That’s quite broad, you can be even more broad than that. You can specify things like ‘I just want people in the US who have done this or that’ or ‘I just want people who use iOS.