Neal Pollack Leads Midlist Shift To Self-Publishing

By Jason Boog 

Journalist and author Neal Pollack wrote an essay in The New York Times Magazine over the weekend, explaining why it makes sense for midlist authors to self-publish–pointing to a dramatic shift in publishing tactics for authors with a medium-sized and loyal audience.

Here’s an excerpt: “[F]or a writer like me, which is to say, most working writers — midcareer, midlist, middle-aged, more or less middlebrow, and somewhat Internet savvy — self-publishing seems to make a lot of sense at this point. Early in my career, because of some lucky breaks and a kinder economy, I was able to get advances that helped me support my family over the months it took to write a book … Now that the advances are smaller and the technology is available, why not start appealing directly to those readers?”

Pollack will self-publish his new novel, Jewball. He has already posted a free preview of the book, focused on the adventures of an American-Jewish basketball team in 1937. (Via Ed Champion)