John Green Moved to Tears by Shailene Woodley’s Speech

By Maryann Yin 

John Green & Shailene WoodleyOver the weekend, actress Shailene Woodley received three honors at the MTV Movie Awards: MTV Trailblazer, Best Kiss (shared with actor Ansel Elgort), and Best Female Performance.

During her acceptance speech for the Female Performance award, she offered both gratitude and praise for The Fault in Our Stars author John GreenBuzzFeed reports that the award-winning young adult writer and movie producer was brought to tears by Woodley’s complimentary words.

Here’s an excerpt: “So John Green, beyond The Fault in Our Stars, I just want to thank you for being the human that you are. And for every single day, living a life with integrity and again, compassion, on your sleeve. Because you change the lives of millions of people around the world.”

This is not the first time that Woodley publicly expressed her admiration for Green. Last year, she wrote a piece about the “teen whisperer” for TIME magazine when Green was named one of 2014’s top 100 most influential people. (via The Washington Post)