James Patterson To End Maximum Ride Series

By Maryann Yin 

At a charity reading event last night with Rick Riordan, novelist James Patterson revealed that he will end the popular Maximum Ride series with Nevermore.

Patterson was confident that the movie will be adapted. In fact, the team behind the Iron Man movie series just finished writing a Maximum Ride screenplay and Catherine Hardwicke told GalleyCat that she may direct the movie.

At the reading, Patterson explained that parental duties include turning kids onto reading–it’s not just a job for teachers and librarians. “You’re missionaries. We all need to spread the word,” he explained.

He spoke of his own child Jack who once was apprehensive about reading. The author and his wife researched books for their son, and now Jack is an avid reader. Patterson also recommended that parents allow kids to read whatever they want, including graphic novels and general information books.

After Patterson’s speech, a reader read from the first two chapters of his upcoming book, Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life.