James Patterson to Donate $2M to Indie Bookstores and Libraries

By Dianna Dilworth 

Bestselling author James Patterson has revealed plans to donate $2 million in grant money to independent bookstore employees and school libraries.

Patterson, who donates money to literacy causes every year, pledged $1.75 million in grants to school libraries in partnership with Scholastic Reading Club. So far this year, the effort has received 27,924 grant requests and has now selected 467 school libraries to award $1,000 to $10,000.

In October, Patterson revealed the $250,000 holiday bonus program for independent bookstore employees in partnership with the American Booksellers Association. The ABA has gotten 2,848 nominations, and Patterson personally choose 87 independent bookstore employees to pay out bonuses to, ranging from $1,000 to $5,000.