How Much Do Acquisitions Editors Earn?

By Dianna Dilworth 

glassdoorWhen you are looking for a new job, one of the daunting tasks can be determining your salary requirements. You want to ask for enough to make the job worth your while, but you don’t want to ask for so much that you are not considered. So how much money do editors make?

Using the anonymous job site Glassdoor, we found that the average salary for an acquisitions editor at a publishing house is $59,472 a year. These salaries are self-reported by employees and may include editors at different stages in their careers, at different publishing houses and in different locations around the country where salaries might vary.

The site breaks out figures from specific companies. For example, at Pearson, the average salary for an acquisitions editor is $88,250. At Elsevier it’s $60,000, and at Publications International, it is $31,996. At Bloomsbury, an associate acquisitions editor makes about $60,000.