Barbara Freethy Sells One Million eBooks Through B&N’s PubIt! Platform

By Jason Boog 

After spending months on our Self-Published Bestsellers List, novelist Barbara Freethy has sold one million digital books through Barnes & Noble’s PubIt! program.

Freethy used the service to self-published 17 of her backlist titles and three new digital books for Nook readers.  On her blog, the author noted that she has sold 2.7 million ebooks since January 2011 across six digital marketplaces.

Here’s more from the release: “Freethy, who has had 20 titles make the Barnes & Top 100 list, plans to continue her self-publishing success with a new series called The Callaways, a story about a family of brave firefighters and police officers whose lives are complicated by family secrets and life-changing love. Throughout The Callaways series each family member will face a moral dilemma and the question of whether to protect the community, the family or themselves. The Callaways will be available on NOOK at the end of 2012.”