Anna Atkins Gets a Google Doodle For Her 216th Birthday

By Maryann Yin 

Anna Atkins' Google Doodle

Google has created a Doodle to celebrate Anna Atkins’ 216th birthday. The botanist became well-known as the first to incorporate photographic illustrations in a book.

According to, Atkins self-published Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions in 1843. It features “sunprinted” pictures developed through the Cynanotype process which is “an iron-based chemical method that creates a white image appearing on a blue background.”

In the past, Google has crafted Doodles in honor of Pride & Prejudice author Jane AustenLittle House series author Agatha Christie, poet Langston Hughes, and more. Here’s a video from Google headquarters spotlighting the artists behind the doodles. Which authors would you suggest as future Doodle subjects? (via The Independent)