25 Writing Prompts to Inspire Twitter Fiction: NaNoWriMo Tip #6

By Jason Boog 

Need to jumpstart your National Novel Writing Month efforts? Try some Twitter Fiction Prompts to warm up your brain.

Inspired by AllTwitter’s 25 writing prompts for daily writing, we’ve created a long list of Twitter Fiction Prompts below–brief ideas to inspire 140-character stories.

If you have any Twitter Fiction prompts, add them to our new #TwitterFictionPrompt hashtag.

This is our sixth NaNoWriMo Tip of the Day. As writers around the country join the writing marathon this month, we will share one piece of advice or writing tool to help you cope with this daunting project.

25 Prompts to Inspire Twitter Fiction

1. Write about the saddest thing that ever happened to you without using any words that describe emotion.

2. Where did the 15 high school students go when the bus disappeared?

3. Translate your favorite Shakespeare quote into a tweet.

4. Describe an unphotograpable moment.

5. Write a love letter from the future.

6. How did your first dog die?

7. You are locked inside an room in an unknown location. Tweet your way out.

8. How did the bank robbery go wrong?

9. Describe an alien invasion through a series of tweets.

10. What is the color of moonlight?

11. You have just decided to leave your lover. Write your “Dear John” letter on Twitter.

12. What was in the box?

13. You are the only person who knows where they left the bomb. You are miles away, but you only have five minutes to tweet the location to the authorities.

14. Why did the woman wake up screaming in the apartment below?

15. Describe your favorite song without using the name of the band or the name of the song.

16. What was the best sporting event you ever saw?

17. Describe election day from the point of view of baby in a stroller.

18. What would a superhero tweet?

19. Write a blurb describing how your favorite novel makes you feel, without using the name of the actual novel.

20. How would your favorite historical character use Twitter?

21. Imagine a narrowly avoided car accident in a series of tweets.

22. Two people fell in love on Twitter–how did it happen?

23. Write about your favorite historical event as a series of tweets.

24. What would a ghost write about on Twitter?

25. Tell your great great great grandkids the most important story that happened in your life.