Jobs Of The Day: Free Beer Included?

Yes! This position is right up our alley. Get your pregame on because the Brooklyn Brewery needs a communications coordinator. Explicitly stated in the ad: “This job includes attending some after-hours events.” YES!

More jobs: is seeking a vertical product specialist.
Salt Lake Magazine is looking for an associate editor.
Cactus Communications is hiring a digital media planner/buyer.
Atlantic Media Company has an open position: an advertising intern.
The International Center for Journalists is looking for a part-time web producer.
The Hachette Book Group has an open position: a digital managing editor.
Widmeyer Communications has an open position: a senior associate.
Fi needs an interactive developer.
Electric Artists wants a junior production designer.
Here Media has an open position: an interactive promotional designer.
Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishing Group seeks an associate editor.
The World Science Festival wants a manager of communications.
The Dominion Post is hiring a college football reporter.
AOL’s has an open position: a freelance assistant editor.
Global Advertising Strategies is seeking a PR manager.
Bloomberg needs an information graphic artist.
The Sentinel & Enterprise seeks a local reporter.
TipsNTrends seeks an account executive.
MODE has an open position: a copywriter.

Every day we scour major job boards, including, but not limited to’s listings, to find the best media jobs out there. We screen out duplicates and scams so you know you’re only receiving the top choices.