Mark Smith

Mark Smith is the founder and president of High Value Publishing, a full service agency dedicated to increasing the market value of its media/publishing clients through it audience extension formula.

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How to Launch A Profitable Online Course While Growing Your Audience

Creative Disruption

If you’re looking for new ways to build your audience, I’d like to show you a process that will get your audience to help you design an online learning course [...]

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Case Study: How to Use Audience Extension to Win Back Clients & Increase Ad Revenue


One of my clients, a niche media company with multiple titles, was getting notified by existing advertisers that they were going to stop buying media and instead, spend their ad [...]

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How to Use Analytics to Improve the Performance of Your Digital Marketing Campaigns


In the here and now, most online retailers know that data helps them gain insights into the behaviors of their visitors. In fact, a recent survey by Experian Data Quality found that [...]

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3 Tips for Mastering ‘In-the-Moment’ Offers

Performance Marketing

If today's consumer could be summed up in one word, it might be "fickle." In a world where it's completely normal for a person to simultaneously "window shop" online, read [...]

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Mobile Search: A Mini Playbook


There's a popular belief that mobile campaigns are only suited for certain types of businesses, such as restaurants and local retailers. Perhaps its search volume hasn't yet hit critical mass, [...]

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Avoiding Mental Opt-Out with Data Analytics

Email Marketing News

This plummeting cost of digital storage is not the primary cause of the mental opt-out phenomenon, but it is one of the reasons marketers need to pay more attention than [...]

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Add Analytics, Reduce Marketing Waste


With the intention of reaching as many customers as possible, companies often execute mass marketing campaigns that prove to be costly and ineffective, sometimes even backfiring when they target customers [...]

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Hitting the Bull’s-Eye: Using Uplift Modeling to Improve Marketing Campaigns


In the game of marketing, relevancy is king. Ensuring your message is targeted to your customers' needs should always be a top priority, and how well you achieve this relevancy [...]