Carolyn Goodman

A blog that challenges B-to-B marketers to learn, share, question, and focus on getting it right—the first time. Carolyn Goodman is President/Creative Director of Goodman Marketing Partners. An award-winning creative director, writer and in-demand speaker, Carolyn has spent her 30-year career helping both B-to-B and B-to-C clients cut through business challenges in order to deliver strategically sound, creatively brilliant marketing solutions that deliver on program objectives. To keep her mind sharp, Carolyn can be found most evenings in the boxing ring, practicing various combinations. You can find her at the Goodman Marketing website, on LinkedIn, or on Twitter @CarolynGoodman.

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125 Blog Posts and I’m Done

Performance Marketing

On April 6, 2012, I wrote my first blog for Target Marketing, and on Aug. 10, 2017, I’m writing my last one; from my math, that’s about 125 posts considering [...]

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Are You Marketing or Succumbing to Google?

Performance Marketing

If your organization hosts a website, you probably already know the importance of seeding key search terms on your site. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the method used to [...]

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The LTV of My GTI Is Tied to My NPS

Performance Marketing

Buying a new car is a big deal for most of us. Once we get the notion in our heads, we actually start watching car commercials, notice what other people [...]

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Never Drink and Change Your Password

Performance Marketing

It all started when I got a new phone. The AT&T rep assured me that all my data would be transferred to my new device by just “bumping” my old [...]

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For Our Security, Does the FBI Need a Predictive Model?

Performance Marketing

If you’ve ever worked with a predictive model, you know it is not static, but an iterative effort that requires constant testing, tweaking and feeding of additional data points. It’s [...]

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Is Lying the New Marketing Normal?

Performance Marketing

There are plenty of studies that emphasize the importance of the subject line. And, with many email clients providing a snippet of the first paragraph of the email in a [...]

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The Most Interesting Man in the World Is No Longer Interesting

Super Bowl Commercials

In 2006, Dos Equis beer launched an ad campaign featuring “the world’s most interesting man” — a campaign that ran for 10 years and had an undeniable impact on sales, [...]

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Brand Strategy Beats Price Tactics

Performance Marketing

My nose may not have been bloodied and my body dragged off a plane, but I faced my own travel crisis this week. And that experience proved that one company’s [...]

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Intelligent Content Needs Intelligent Marketers

Performance Marketing

After attending several sessions, watching the social media behavior of those seated near me and visiting every booth on the small tradeshow floor, I came away disturbed by several trends [...]

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Big Data, Little Intelligence

Performance Marketing

Data gathering techniques are getting more and more sophisticated. Databases are growing bigger and bigger. There are new data mining tools, techniques and dashboards everywhere you turn. So why is [...]