Brave Commerce: How Church & Dwight Unified Sales and Marketing

C-suite leaders Surabhi Pokhriyal and Barry Bruno on hiring and ecommerce

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Sometimes, the job you want doesn’t exist yet. Or the role you’re looking to fill needs a little tweaking. So, you make it your own.

On this episode of Brave Commerce, Church & Dwight’s chief digital growth officer Surabhi Pokhriyal joins hosts Rachel Tipograph and Sarah Hofstetter for a second time alongside CMO Barry Bruno. Together, they share how their experience in various fields (marketing, supply chain, sales) have shaped their approach to business.

There was also a bit of career improvisation. Barry discusses the process of developing a role that had not formerly existed at the company. Pokhriyal explains how she took the initial job description and helped develop it to best fit the advancement of the business.

They also discuss how Church & Dwight, most famously the maker of Arm & Hammer products, unified sales and marketing and optimized its ecommerce strategy for success.

Stream the new episode below, listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, or find it on Spotify.